Hydration Matters: 5 Tips for Getting More Water Daily
We all know it’s important to drink water, but do you know how important water is to your health? You’re walking around in a body that is actually about 60% water. All that fluid in you plays an important role in cell function and maintaining bodily function. Water is in our cells, our blood, our vital organs, and is even in our bones, which are 31% water!
Water also serves as a lubricant and cushion for our spine and joints. When you come in to get an adjustment at Foster Chiropractic Sports & Wellness Clinic, you’ll feel even better if you’re fully hydrated. The work we do on your spine and joints is only enhanced by having the appropriate amount of water in your body to help cushion and support your spine and other bones.
So how much water should you be drinking each day? For years, the mantra of 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water has been popular. It’s relatively easy to remember to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but that’s more of a recommendation than a cold, hard fact. According to the Mayo Clinic, men need about 3.7 liters of fluids and women need about 2.7 liters. The 8x8 equation only gives you just under 2 liters. The good news is, we get hydrated in ways other than just drinking water. There’s water in the foods we eat as well as the fluids we drink.
If you’re looking to improve your health, drinking more water and increasing your fluid intake is a good place to start. Staying hydrated can improve your cardiovascular health by keeping your blood volume up and helping get oxygen to your cells. It also helps your joints work better and filters waste from your body. Not to mention staying hydrated can help reduce wrinkles and make you look younger!
Here are a few ways to help improve your fluid intake and start feeling more energized and healthy.
1. Drink water with every meal. By choosing water, you’re not only getting the fluid you need, but you’re also avoiding other things that might not be so good for you, like the caffeine and sugar in sodas and tea.
2. Keep a water bottle with you during the day, and fill it up when it gets empty. This is a good way to remember to drink water throughout the day.
3. Use an infuser in your water bottle. We often hear our patients say, “I just really don’t like to drink water,” when we recommend drinking more water daily. Adding flavor can help with that. Crush up some cucumbers, lemon, strawberries or herbs and put it in an infuser or directly in your water to make it more fun.
4. Eat foods that are high in water. Did you know up to 20% of your fluid intake comes from the foods you eat? The food with the highest water content is watermelon, of course, with 92% water. But strawberries come a close second, with 91% water! Other foods high in water include: cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, bell peppers, cottage cheese and plain yogurt.
5. Track it on an app. You can do just about anything on your smartphone, and now that includes monitoring your fluid intake each day. If you enjoy using apps or just like having some accountability, look into the apps available to track your water. Some include Daily Water (iPhone), Plant Nanny (iPhone) and Water Time (Android).