Low Impact for Greatest Impact: The Thompson Table


For a science geek like Scott Foster, anything that has to do with Newton’s laws is intriguing. So it’s no surprise that Dr. Foster was interested in learning the drop-table technique of chiropractic care, which uses Newton’s laws of motion, and incorporating it into the options available for patients in his practice at Foster Chiropractic Sports & Wellness.

The drop table was designed by chiropractor Dr. J. Clay Thompson, who saw this law of physics at work when he was using a table that had a loose part. He noticed that when he manipulated his patient, the head rest would descend an inch or so and come to a stop, which in turn helped provide more force for his treatment without him having to provide the force himself. The process sounds counterintuitive when described in words and trying to imagine a patient being dropped a few inches. But in practice it is a type of treatment that facilitates less-invasive corrections. It’s more gentle and effective for the patient.

Today Thompson’s design and technique has been adopted by many chiropractors all over the world to provide spinal adjustments in some types of cases. The drop table is a chiropractic table designed in a number of different sections, each of which can be moved up or down independently of the other. The table is also padded, and the stiffness can be adjusted to the weight of the patient for a more comfortable experience. 

The way the drop table works is the chiropractor will lift specific sections one to two inches, according to the areas of the patient that need work. Then the chiropractor gives a gentle thrust to the patient and the table releases and drops down, all at the same time. The process takes advantage of Newton’s first law of motion, which states: A body that is at rest or in motion in a constant straight line will continue to be at rest or in that motion unless acted on by a force.

Dr. Foster often uses the drop table when working with patients who suffer from lower back pain, sciatica or herniated discs. The technique is also useful for patients who might have too much pain or stiffness to go through other types of chiropractic treatment.

The benefits of chiropractic treatment with the drop table method include:

  • Less discomfort for patients suffering from pain or stiffness

  • More thorough spinal manipulations

  • Greater control for the chiropractor

  • Options for patients who are too tight or too sore for other activities

  • Help for athletes to experience fewer aches and pains during sports

If you’re interested in learning more about the drop table procedures and how we use this in the care of our patients at Foster Chiropractic and Wellness Center, give us ca call today at 336-778-2242.

Chiropractic Relief for Your Allergy Symptoms


The skies are blue, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming -- spring is here! For many people in and around Winston-Salem, those beautiful sights of nature during the spring months bring a sense of dread as the pollen count rises and rises. Starting as early as March with tree pollen, the allergy season can last well into the fall here in North Carolina: early spring for tree pollen, summer for grasses, and late-summer/fall for weeds. Luckily, not every day is a high-alert day for allergy sufferers. But we’ve got some information and tips that will help you manage a little better, even on those days when your porch has turned yellow.

Is it COVID or Allergies?

One of the things we’ve been asked a lot this past year at Foster Chiropractic is how to tell the difference between allergies and COVID-19. While there is some crossover, for the most part they have two very different lists of symptoms. 

First, it helps to understand what allergies are. An allergic reaction is the immune system’s response to foreign particles in the body. So, for example, in the spring you might breathe in tree pollen through your nose. Your immune system sees that pollen particle as a danger to the body and releases antibodies, which then release histamines, to attack. The histamines trigger traditional allergy symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes; nasal congestion; runny nose; and sneezing or coughing.

The difference with COVID-19 is that instead of a localized response, your body experiences a system-wide response to a foreign attacker. Symptoms include fever or chills, dry cough, trouble breathing, congestion, body aches (including headache), sore throat and fatigue.

The crossover and confusion of which is which often comes with the cough, congestion and headache. But keep in mind that people with allergies don’t usually run a fever, and people with COVID don’t usually experience sneezing and a runny nose.

Managing Seasonal Allergies

Some days there’s just not a lot you can do to avoid the yellow fog of spring in North Carolina. But at Foster Chiropractic, we focus on overall health and wellness, so we wanted to share some tips that can make allergy season more manageable.

1. Check your local pollen forecast and if possible, avoid being outside at peak times. The interactive map from Pollen.com can alert you to high pollen days. It’s also important to note 5-10 a.m. is the peak time of day for pollen, so wait to do your workout until later in the afternoon during spring. At least the temperatures are more agreeable to that schedule that the hot, humid days of summer!

2. Take your shoes off as soon as you come inside, to avoid tracking pollen through the house. You could even change clothes to remove as many allergens as possible.

3. Wash your hands! As if we haven’t done that enough over the past year, those habits we learned through COVID will serve us well in allergy season too. Washing your hands helps keep you from getting pollen near your eyes and nose when you touch your face.

4. Make an appointment to get an adjustment at Foster Chiropractic. Proper spinal alignment is important to good health in many ways, but one in particular is improving the immune system. A spinal alignment can improve the communication between the central nervous system and the immune system, which leads to improvements in allergy symptoms. 

Remember, people with allergies do still get sick. Pay attention to how you’re feeling, and if you have any symptoms different from the allergy symptoms you’ve had before, call your primary physician right away. 



Orthotics: Providing the Support you Need for Optimal Performance and Health


How often do you really think about your shoes? Most of the time we rush to lace up our sneakers before hitting the gym or slide on a pair of flip flops to go out to run errands without thinking twice about what we’re putting on our feet. At the end of a long day, you might find yourself complaining about back aches or knee pain and attribute it to poor posture at your desk or a tougher than normal workout. That may be a factor, but it could also be that your footwear isn’t providing you the appropriate level of support.

Your feet are the foundation of your body, and good support and proper alignment of the feet can help alleviate pain in your ankles and other joints, as well as improve performance in your favorite sports and activities. Orthotics, or custom-made inserts, are a great way to improve the support and cushion in your shoes and improve your gait and overall alignment. Foster Chiropractic offers our patients a customized treatment with Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of custom-made orthotics and therapeutic products. 

Our process starts with an analysis from the 3D Body ViewR imaging unit from Foot Levelers, a tool that allows Dr. Foster to help identify problems in your foot’s anatomy that might be causing pain. In addition to the imaging, Dr. Foster will do a physical exam and analyze your gait, watching your feet, ankles, legs and hips as you walk. The analysis is then used to create an orthotic just for you to help alleviate your pain and provide the cushion, support and positioning to give you optimal performance in all of your daily activities.

Many of us live with poor positioning, high arches, or minimal cushioning without even being aware of the problems it causes in our daily lives. Other people might realize these issues are causing pain and irritation, but not know it could be avoided. Some of the issues orthotics can help with include:

·      Rheumatoid arthritis. This auto-immune disease can cause poor positioning and swelling in the joints of the body, including the feet.

·      Plantar fasciitis. Heel pain from inflammation of the band tissues that run along the bottom of the foot.

·      Back pain. Poor positioning, such as arches that roll inward, can cause back pain from walking with a misaligned gait over time.

·      High arches. This anatomical condition can cause stress in the muscles of the feet which leads to shin splints, knee pain and plantar fasciitis.

Orthotics and a foot adjustment by Dr. Foster make sure all the foot bones are aligned makes sure the foundation of your body is as strong as the foundation of your house. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Foster today to have your feet examined. You’ll be surprised how much better your whole body will feel!

Foster Chiropractic’s Tips for a Healthy 2021!

As we wrap up 2020 and start making toasts to the new year, many of us will find new meaning in the traditional well wishes for health and happiness. The year 2020 brought a world health crisis unlike anything we’ve seen, but it also brought togetherness at a new level as well.

Here at Foster Chiropractic we’re thankful for all of our patients’ understanding as we instituted new protocols to help keep everyone safe. New business hours and extra cleaning routines became part of our practice, as did many reminders about ways to promote health in unfamiliar times.

We’re optimistic that 2021 will be an amazing year, and we want to help you create some health habits that will last throughout the year and even longer. Here are a few things to consider when working to build a healthy lifestyle in the coming year:

Pay attention to what you eat. It’s important to choose whole grains when possible, eat a variety of colors of foods and decrease your intake of sodium and sugar as much as possible. Those whole grains contain fiber that help improve your digestive tract. Bright colored fruits and vegetables such as strawberries and blueberries have antioxidants that boost your immune system. And don’t forget all the great vitamins and minerals in green, leafy vegetables that can help with everything from better skin to warding off illness. We have vitamins in the office as well that can supplement what you eat to promote overall health.


Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Take the dog for a walk, play catch with your daughter in the back yard, or train with a neighbor for next year’s Ardmore Run Against Hunger that benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank. It doesn’t matter what you do, the point is to get your heart rate up for a few minutes each day to help improve your blood pressure, muscle and bone health, and stay at a healthy weight.

Get a good night’s sleep. According to the CDC, 1 in 3 Americans report sleep related problems. Adults should get between 7-9 hours of sleep for optimal health benefits, including improved mood and mental state. Some ways to help ensure a good night’s sleep include cutting out caffeine 6-8 hours before you plan to go to sleep, keep your bedroom cool, around 67 degrees, and avoid screens a couple of hours before bed.

Make regular visits to your chiropractor. Getting a spinal adjustment is important. Keeping your central nervous system (housed inside the spinal column) functioning at its best boosts your overall health. Reduce back pain and migraines and boost your immune system - all with that gentle adjustment. Benefit at from our holistic approach to care for our patients, helping you tailor your nutrition and exercise habits to live your best “YOU”.

May the coming year be full of joy, laughter, and great health!


Chiropractic Care Great for Your Teens Too

Are you constantly nagging your teen to stand up straight? Are you worried when your child looks down at their screen all day causing “text neck”? 

Parents want their kids to be happy and healthy, and during the teen years, as children grow into more independent adults, it’s important to provide them with resources for good health. Chiropractic care can be an important part of that healthy lifestyle, from helping alleviate pain to improving lifestyle habits to ensure a healthier future. 

At Foster Chiropractic we enjoy working with teenagers, many of whom come in for chiropractic care due to sports injuries or to keep their body in line for improved athletic performance. Here are a few other ways we can help teens in the Winston-Salem area improve their health and feel better through chiropractic care:



Most adults know poor posture can cause shoulder and neck pain. Over time bad posture can even lead to headaches and other issues. For kids, slouching and “text neck” might not make their bodies react with pain yet, but they’re setting habits that will follow them into adulthood, which makes it all the more important to focus on maintaining good posture. 

It might be that a teenager hits a growth spurt before her friends, and self-conscious of her height she curves her shoulders in to feel more like her peers. Or hours spent crouched over a laptop or smartphone lead to slouching when not on devices. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help fix misalignments from poor posture and help promote better posture on a daily basis. 

Back Pain

There’s a reason backpacks with wheels became a thing -- kids are packing way too much into their school backpacks every day. Books, notebooks, computers and lunchboxes all add up to heavy loads they lift up on their shoulders. Not only is the weight too much for a teenager to carry around for long periods of time, but often they have it swung on just one shoulder, which doesn’t allow for proper weight distribution. Chiropractic care can help ease the pain for kids suffering from back pain due to heavy backpacks, and help avoid having to turn to medication. 


Anxiety in teens is on the rise, and according to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one-third of teens will experience an anxiety disorder. Chiropractic care can’t stop stress from coming, but a well functioning central nervous system adjustments can help alleviate some of the physical pain and discomfort related to the tension our bodies suffer when stressed out or anxious.

Creating Healthy Habits

Here at Foster Chiropractic, Sports & Wellness, we focus on whole body wellness. That means that in addition to adjustments, we also look at lifestyle of healthy habits that will not only help a teen feel better now but will last into adulthood. 

How Laptops Lead to Neck Pain: Tips for Better Work-at-Home Habits

Is your laptop a pain in the neck? We’re not talking about things like a battery that no longer lasts for an hour. Technical issues aside, your laptop may literally be a pain in your neck.


At Foster Chiropractic Sports and Wellness Clinic, we’ve seen a surge in cases of neck and upper back pain and strain over the past few months. When asked what might be different in their lifestyle and causing the pain, we get a similar answer from many clients -- more time at home on the laptop.

“In working to curb the spread of COVID-19, work and school are now in the home let people,” says Scott Foster. “There are many benefits to that, above and beyond staying away from possibly contagious contacts. But one drawback has been the neck strain and pain that comes from many hours spent hunched over a laptop.”

Unlike the desktop computer, laptops were designed for portability and short-term use. In our current environment people are using these devices in a way they’re not designed for -- to study, work or attend virtual meetings for hours at a time. There are two primary reasons why laptops lead to neck pain:

The keyboard and monitor are attached. In an ergonomically sound work environment, the elbows, knees and hips would all be at 90-degree angles, and the eyes would be looking straight ahead at the top one-third of the screen. This is accomplished by putting the monitor up at a higher level than the keyboard, something that can’t be done with a typical laptop. Instead, our body is working hunched over, with a curved spine.

The portability drawback. While being able to take your computer with you has many benefits, it also finds us working at the laptop on our bed, on the couch, or at the kitchen counter. None of those places is ideal, as we sink down into soft cushions and disregard proper posture for hours of computer work.

Sitting on the couch or in the bed hunched over a computer stresses your anatomy over time, leading to muscle fatigue, neck pain and headaches. You may notice anything from an achy neck to throbbing pain or tingling in your fingers. 

Tips to Ease the Neck Pain

1. Separate your keyboard from the monitor. Consider using an external keyboard so that the monitor can be placed a few feet above where you’re typing. You can sit it up on a couple of reams of paper or get a laptop stand.

2. Take a break every 20 minutes. Shrug your shoulders up and down and roll your neck from side to side to ease the muscle strain.

3. Pay attention to your posture. Try to sit at a desk when possible, rather than slouching in a recliner or on the couch.

4. Stay hydrated. Drinking water will not only help you remember to take those breaks (when you have to run to the bathroom) but it also keeps the discs in your spine lubricated to lessen stress and pain.

5. Schedule a chiropractic adjustment. The neck is made up of seven vertebrate, which support the full weight of the head. This is a lot of work for a small set of bones. Help keep them in top shape with an adjustment which can help improve mobility, restore range of motion and reduce pain and stiffness.

Runners, Be Kind to Your Body

Fall is usually an exciting time to be a runner, as the season is literally booked up with 5Ks galore. Unfortunately, this year we find ourselves still in the midst of a pandemic. Many events and large gatherings are on hold. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get out and run! Run in your neighborhood (if it’s safe), on the trails around town, or even in a gym if the weather’s bad, as some are starting to reopen now. 


Running is great exercise. Not only does it get your heart rate up and improve cardiovascular fitness, it can help strengthen your bones, burn calories, and get you outside where you can soak up some Vitamin D. But even with all the benefits, it’s important to remember running is a high impact activity with a lot of repetitive stress that can cause pain in your lower back, especially for people who have underlying lower back issues.  

At Foster Chiropractic we are committed to helping you stay healthy, active and pain free. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of a few tips to help prevent lower back pain due to running.

1. Always warm up. A dynamic warm up, with exercises like butt-kicks and arm circles, will help get your heart rate rising and activate your muscles, to prepare your body for the workout ahead.

2. Strengthen your core muscles. Those muscles in your abs and trunk are like the foundation of your house, they provide the strength for the rest of the body to perform well just like your home’s foundation provides support for the living space. Spice up your workout routine by alternating running with other workouts that focus on the core, such as yoga or Pilates. Other exercises that focus on the core include planks, side planks, and squats. It doesn’t have to be all sit-ups and crunches!

3. Avoid running on sidewalks. A concrete surface is hard and unforgiving, creating a bigger impact on your body than asphalt or gravel paths. 

4. Wear appropriate shoes. Having good support and shoes that are appropriate for your individual gait can help prevent injuries. At Foster Chiropractic we specialize in extremity care, which includes the ability to analyze your gait and provide custom orthotics.  

5. Check in with your chiropractor. Regular adjustments from Dr. Foster can help relieve pressure on your spine to eliminate pain or just keep your back in good health for injury prevention. 

Find a running buddy, lace up those shoes and line up your favorite jams on your playlist. With these preparations, you’ll be ready for a fall running routine and maybe even a 5K this spring.

Why Choose Chiropractic Care? Dr. Foster Gives 5 Reasons Beyond Back Pain

I’ve been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years. In that time I’ve heard my fair share of jokes and misperceptions about the practice that means so much to me. More than anything, I cringe when I hear people say chiropractic care is only for back pain. As a chiropractor, I focus on the entire body and overall wellness. Not only am I one of the few chiropractors in the Winston-Salem area certified in extremities, but I also put great importance on healthy lifestyle habits for all of my patients. If you’re wondering why you should look to chiropractic care for better health, here are a few of my favorite reasons.

1. Help for Headaches. Over 38 million Americans suffer from migraines. More than just a headache, migraine pain can keep you from work, school and activities you enjoy. Spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate migraine pain. But more than that, during your visits to my clinic we will talk about triggers and lifestyle adjustments that can help reduce migraines as well. 

2. Foot/Knee Pain. If you have foot pain from plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis, or even if you suffer from knee pain after your morning run, chiropratic care can help. Adjustments of the extremities helps relieve pain and pressure on the nerves in your feet. Here at Foster Chiropractic, we also use Foot Levelers to examine your gait and create custom orthotics. The athletes I work with area always amazed at how getting the right fit in a shoe can help improve knee and hip pain during runs and work outs.  

3. Support for Athletes. Working out every day can be stressful on your body. Chiropractic adjustments can help ease the pain and stiffness from workouts, help you recover quicker, and give you improved range of motion. 

4. Boost Your Immune System. Our bodies are equipped with white blood cells, the tools we need to fight off viruses and illness. Chiropractic adjustments help relieve stress on the nervous system, which in turn stimulates production of white blood cells.

5. Overall Wellness. During your appointment at Foster Chiropractic Clinic, we do much more than just an adjustment. I enjoy working with clients to improve overall health, which means talking about healthy eating habits, smart work out routines and ways to relieve stress. 

If you’re looking to improve your life - whether better sports performance, to reduce pain, or just to feel your best every day, a visit to our office can help. Call us today to schedule your appointment and get started on a path to better health.